Såg lite fina moln igår och visst är dom vackra!? Dom har så fina former och man vill liksom känna på dom, tänk om dom är sådär fluffiga som dom ser ut?! :-)
Greetings, a very nice picture of you and your blog as a whole is a fine read and watch. I like it very much. Come take a look Teuvo Photos www.ttvehkalahti.blogspot.com blog and tell your friends Teuvo pictures blog. Nostakaa yhdessä Ruotsin lippu ylemmäs minun blogissa, vähän on vielä matkaa 100 rikkoutumiseen. Kiitos! A very good continuation of the autumn to you. Teuvo Vehkalahti Finland
I don´t understand your finish, but the rest.. So thank you! I really like to take photos, but I would like to have a better camera..These photos where photographed yesterday, with my mobile phone :-)
Greetings, a very nice picture of you and your blog as a whole is a fine read and watch. I like it very much. Come take a look Teuvo Photos www.ttvehkalahti.blogspot.com blog and tell your friends Teuvo pictures blog. Nostakaa yhdessä Ruotsin lippu ylemmäs minun blogissa, vähän on vielä matkaa 100 rikkoutumiseen. Kiitos!
SvaraRaderaA very good continuation of the autumn to you. Teuvo Vehkalahti Finland
I don´t understand your finish, but the rest.. So thank you! I really like to take photos, but I would like to have a better camera..These photos where photographed yesterday, with my mobile phone :-)